Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Father's Day started out with breakfast in bed for Mark. The children sing to the dads at church so Mark came with us to hear the kids sing. We had a wonderful dad with Mark. He is a great husband and father. He is so loving to the kids. They love their dad and miss him when he is gone. Thank you Mark for being a wonderful husband and father. We love you!
Breakfast in bed with Dad

John's breakfast for dad: Diet Dr. Pepper, pop tart, cereal straw, fruit loops, buttered bagel

Alison's breakfast for dad: buttered bagel, fishy crackers, pop tart and water

"I'm so glad when daddy comes home"

Me and my Man

John made this for Mark at school. It is a picture of Mark.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I always get so excited to see what the kids picked out for breakfast. Love the bunny ears John, and picture of Mark. Did he draw stubble on Marks face?