Tuesday, May 5, 2009

She's Hot!

While searching a web site with Alison for pettiskirts John comes in to see what we are doing. This picture is on the web page we are looking at.

To which John replies, "wow she's hot!. I want her. Can you buy her?" I explain that she is modeling a skirt we can buy, but we can't buy her.

"Can we trade Alison for her? Then she can be my sister?" I explain that is not a very nice thing to say and no, we can not trade our sister.

"Well, can she be my girlfriend?" If you would like to imagine that she is your girlfriend, go ahead.

He is just 7 years old! What are we going to do when he is a teenager? I have to agree with John though, she is hot.


Melissa said...

He'll be a lady killer with his good looks and beautiful eyes.

Heather said...

Oh ... BOYS!