There have been a lot of babies born in our circle of friends over the past two months. She is enjoying holding them and shaking rattles in their faces to entertain them. This has also brought up many questions about when she was a baby and when Mark and I were babies.
"Mom, who took care of you when you were a baby?"
"My mom and dad did."
"Who took care of dad when he was a baby?"
"His mom and dad did."
A moment of thought and then....
"I guess your mom had to fly a lot when you were a baby."
A moment of thought on my part and then..."No, I lived in Bakersfield, California when I was a baby with my parents. I did not move to Oregon until I was a grown up."
While shopping in the store Alison announced to me that she was a mom too. "I had a baby today. We have to go to the Doctor's office to pick her up. The Doctor got her and now we get to take her home with us." Wow, if it was only that easy!
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL !!!!! That's so funny! And she's so cute.
You are such a great girl, Alison. I can't wait for you and Lucy to be able to hang out more.
OH so it that my problem, I just need to swing by my Dr. and pick up my baby?! And here I have been sittin around my house waiting for it to come to me...
Love the outfit. Alison is so funny, I love to hear what she says.
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