This year we actually slept in a bit. John came in at 7:00 am and by 7:30 am we were all downstairs and starting to unwrap gifts. The chaos was finished by 9:30 am and the building of 6 Lego sets, and numerous girl toys began. We never got out of our pajamas! We had a nice day together and received a lot of wonderful presents.

John with a Nerf gun Mark got from Santa
Alison going through her stocking
Mark with his 2 Nerf guns from Santa. How did Santa know we would need 2?

The chaos of unwrapping and waiting your turn

Building one of 6 Lego sets

Having fun with new toys

Makeup artist in training

So beautiful

My new look courtesy of Alison

Finally playing with the new Legos. Yes, it really floats!
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