Thursday, May 8, 2008

Alison Loves Mom

Alison just loves going to pre-school! She loves being able to play with friends and make art. For Mother's Day they made a book to give their moms. Alison is so proud of hers. She did a wonderful job and I smile every time I look at it. I love my Alison. You are a sweet little girl. You love to cuddle with mom, watch movies, drink chocolate milk, eat snacks (all day), and play with your friends. You really love your brother, John. You love to play with him and play with his toys when he is at school. You miss him when he is gone to school and are so excited to play with him when he gets home. You are always looking for his approval and following every thing he does. You told me the other day that for your birthday you wanted all the same toys that John got. You are a friendly person and wonderful at sharing. I am so happy that I get to be your mother. I love you so much!

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