Legos are the most popular toy this year for John, and Alison loves to build with legos as well. So we decided to take the kids to Legoland while we were in California for Thanksgiving. It is nothing like Disneyland, but the kids still had fun. We had a great time together as a family and got to enjoy some of the beautiful Southern California weather. (If you click on the picture, it will blow it up for you to see better)

John had a lot of fun seeing all of the things that were made out of Legos. We went inside the factory and watched how legos are made and then into the store that had legos of every shape, size and color! He got to drive his own car and boat, and ride roller coasters with Mark. We saw where they make the Lego displays. John wished that room was his room!

Alison had fun riding a few of the rides as well. She was an excellent driver! She rode with Mark in the bumper boats. That was a sight to see! There was the four boats before Alison, then a massive pile up behind Alison! She would not let Mark touch the wheel. It was all hers, and she very verbally let him and all within ear shot know that. Luckily for all involved, everyone was letting their child be the driver as well. So no one was upset that they took forever to drive a 3 minute water course!

Here is a sampling of things you can make out of Legos. A firetruck, big rig, Thomas, Santa and sleigh, animals, a car, and people! Wow! There was even a Christmas Tree as tall as a building made out of Legos. I thought I took a picture of it, but I guess not. We all had fun and are looking forward to Christmas to see if there will be any Legos under the tree!